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Privacy Policy

We at and (the “Site”, orUs”, “OurorWe”) understand that You, the user of the Site and its services (“You”) value Your privacy and We strive to respect that privacy when You are using the Site or Our services. This Privacy Policy describes what information We gather from You, how We use that information, who We share it with, and what We do to protect it. By using this Site, You are expressly consenting to the information handling practices described in this Privacy Policy. If You do not agree with this Privacy Policy, do not use the Site and do not submit any information to Us. 
Information We Collect from you 
The information We collect from You, includes, but is not limited to: name, age, gender, physical address, email address, phone number, household information, income, marital status, and personal health information such as medical history. We reserve the right, and the Site may collect from time to time, any other lawful personal information about You, such as information that will help us match products and services that may be of interest to You. The Site also collects and retains non-personal, technical information about Your visit(s) to the Site, including, without limitation, IP address assigned to the computer You are using, the type of browser You are using, Your location, time of visit, and the operating system Your computer or device is using. 
How we use Your Information 
We use Your personal information to match Your request for insurance products and services with Our network of providers of insurance products and services. We may also use Your personal information for any other lawful purpose, including, without limitation, sharing Your personal information with third parties who may send You ads or marketing communications about their products and offers which may be of interest to You. By submitting Your information to Us, You are authorizing these third parties to contact You through any lawful means, including, without limitation, email, telephone (even if Your telephone number is on the do not call list), text, or online ads, regarding their products and services. If You subsequently desire that these third parties no longer contact You, You will need to communicate Your request directly to them. We may also share Your information with third-party contractors who provide services to Us so that We can provide You with the Site and its various services. These third-party contractors are prohibited from using the information We provide for purposes other than performing services for Us. We may transfer Your information to third parties that are involved in a corporate merger or acquisition with Us. The non-personal data that the Site collects is generally used in the aggregate to analyze the ways in which the Site is used, and how We can improve the user experience, and may be shared with third parties such as advertisers, marketers, and other vendors who provide Us with services. We use information about You and Your activities on the Site for research and reporting purposes. We may also disclose Your information to third parties when We reasonably believe We are obligated to do so by law. We may also do so in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected or actual prohibited activities, including, without limitation, fraud, situations involving potential threats to the Site or the physical safety of any person, and violations of any applicable law. 
We may use cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies to collect information about You and Your interaction with the Site. We may also use tracking technologies for interest-based advertising, as described below. Typically, Our cookies will expire after 30 days. Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default, but You can usually change Your settings to reject cookies. For more information about interest-based ads, see theInterest-Based Adssection below. 
Do not Track 
Most browsers have a “Do Not Trackfunctionality of Your web browser by visiting the Preferences or Settings page of Your web browser. Because there are currently no industry standards for Do Not Track signals and responses, the Site is not designed to respond to the “Do Not Tracksetting of Your browser. 
Interest based Advertisement 
We and Our third party partners may engage in marketing tactics, including what is known as “interest-based advertising”. As described above, We and Our partners may set a cookie on Your device and/or browser. Among other things, this technology allows Us and Our partners to provide You with interest-based or targeting advertising, that is, offers to products and services which will be of interest to You based on websites You’ve visited, Your visit to this Site, or other data or information which marketers may have about You. Such tactics may include tracking Your use of a web service over time and across different websites, in what is known as “retargeting”. Retargeting means that after visiting the Site or other websites, marketers may deliver ads to You on this or other websites. Marketers may track Your Internet usage across websites and combine data from other sources to personally identify You. For more information about interest-based advertising, please visit To opt out of Your web browsing information being used in this manner, please visit This opt-out process is managed and governed by industry self-regulatory bodies such as the Digital Advertising Alliance (, not by Us. Note that in the opt-out process, You may opt-out of interest-based advertising on a company-by-company basis, or You may opt out of interest-based ads from all companies who have elected to participate in the program. We do not participate directly in the program, however, Our third party partners who may be showing You ads through Our interest-based marketing efforts, such as Google, Inc., do participate. And, although some companies may provide their own, direct opt-out mechanism, this Site does not currently offer that option. If You do elect to take advantage of this opt-out, please note that it remembers Your preference by setting a cookie on Your device or browser. Therefore, if You change computers or browsers, or delete cookies, You will have to opt-out again for each of the companies You previously opted out of. It is also important to note that opting-out of interest-based ads does not mean that You will no longer receive advertising, nor will it prevent the receipt of interest-based advertising from third parties that do not participate in these programs. It will, however, exclude You from interest-based advertising conducted through participating networks, as provided by their policies and choice mechanisms. 
Revoking Your Consent 
If, after submitting Your personal information to Us, You subsequently decide that You no longer want Us to retain and use Your personal information, please email Us at and We will use commercially reasonable efforts to delete Your personal information which is no longer needed for our legal compliance purposes (for example, some laws may require that we keep records of Our transactions regarding Your Personal Information), and we will cease sharing your Personal Information with third parties. However, please note that if We have shared Your personal information with any third parties, You will have to contact them directly with Your request to delete Your information. They may or may not have policies which allow such actions; We do not have knowledge or control their practices. 
Opting Out of Email Marketing Communications 
If We are sending you email marketing communications and You no longer wish Us to send You those email marketing communications, please click on the unsubscribe link in the email We send you or send Your opt-out request to and We will implement Your opt-out request within 10 business days. Again, if We have shared Your email address with any third parties, You will have to contact those companies directly. Please note that You cannot opt-out of email communications that are not marketing in nature, that is, emails which are used for administrative or technical communications. Third Party Sites, Links, and Content Appearing on and The Site may contain links to, advertisements for, or other content from third party sites and services which are operated by such third parties and not Us. Such third partiespractices and policies regarding the handling of Your information may differ from Ours. While We endeavor to associate only with reputable partners and third party sites, We are not be responsible for their actions or policies. This Privacy Policy does not address any such third parties. Please review their privacy policies directly. 
Protecting Your Information 
We use industry standard safeguards in storing and maintaining Your personal information in a secure manner, and in transmitting Your personal information to Our third-party partners in a secure manner. However, You understand and agree the internet is not 100% secure. Please keep Your security software up to date and always be cautious when sharing Your personal information. 
Information Relating to Children 
Only individuals 18 years of age or older have permission to use the Site. If You are not at least 18 years old, do not use the Site. Any individual who uses the Site or provides their information to Us represents that they are 18 years of age or older. The Site is not intended for or directed at children under 13 years of age. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years of age. If You are under 13 years of age, do not use this Site or provide Your information to Us. If We discover that a child under the age of 13 has provided Us with personal information, or that We have inadvertently collected such information, We will promptly delete it from Our systems. However, third parties which we have passed such information on to will still have such information. If anyone believes that We have been provided with the personal information of a child under the age of 13, please notify Us immediately at , and we will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly delete such information. Please be advised, however, that such persons will also need to contact third parties which We have shared such information with. Your California Privacy Rights Under California law, residents of California may request certain information about Our disclosure of personal information during the prior calendar year to third parties for marketing purposes. To request this information, please contact Us at 
Changes to this Privacy Policy 
We may make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time, for any or no reason, with or without notice to You. Such changes may take place due to a change or expansion in Our services or policies. As You use the Site, You are required to periodically check this Privacy Policy for any changes. To assist You, We provide Our Privacy Policy’s effective date at the top of this page. You are responsible for reading and understanding this Privacy Policy, and Your continued use of the Site or Our services following a change or update to this Privacy Policy constitutes Your continued agreement and consent to the practices described herein. If You have any questions or comments regarding Our Privacy Policy, please email Us at 
Privacy Notice for California Residents 
This Privacy Notice for California Residents supplements the information contained in our privacy policy above and applies solely to all visitors, users, and others who reside in the State of California (”consumersoryou”). We adopt this notice to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) and any terms defined in the CCPA have the same meaning when used in this notice. 

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